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Research Publications

Bergdahl, E, Wikström, B-M, & Andershed, B. Estetic abilities: a way to describe  abilities of expert nurses in palliative home care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2007, 752-760.

Wikström, B-M Tourism Attractions in Stockholm, the Capital of Sweden. International Journal on Tourism and Travel Health, 2007, 1(1), 85-92.

Wikström, B-M & Svidén Student nurses in dialogue with hypothetical  patients  regarding a painting. Journal of Research in Nursing 2007, 18, 24-29.

Wikström, B-M & Svidén. Facial expressions in paintings as perceived by thestudent nurse. Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing 2005, 12(2), 5-12.

Wikström, B-M. Communication via expressive arts: The natural medium of self-expression for hospitalized children. Pediatric Nursing 2005, 31(6),  480-485.

Wikström, B-M. Older adults and the arts, the importance of aesthetic forms of expression in later life. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 2004, 30(9), 30-36.


Wikström, B-M. Health professionals’ experience of paintings as conversation instrument: a communication strategy at a nursing home in Sweden. Applied Nursing Research 2003, 16(3), 184-188.

Wikström, B-M. A picture of work of art as an empathy teaching strategy in nurse education complementary to theoretical knowledge. Journal of Professional Nursing 2003, 19(1), 49-54.

Wikström, B-M. A  memory of an aesthetic experience transferred to clinical practice. Education for Health 2003, 16(1), 40-50.

Wikström, B-M. Intuition and visual art: Student nurses’ projection into experiences of elderly women. The Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing 2002, 9(2), 24-31.

Svidén, G., Wikström, B-M, Hjortsjö, M. Elderly person’s reflections on relocating to living at sheltered housing. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2002, 9(1), 10-16.

Wikström, B-M. Nurses strategy when providing for the patients’ aesthetic needs: Personal experiences of aesthetic means of expressions. Clinical Nursing Research  2002, 11(1), 22-33.

Wikström, B-M. Social interaction associated with visual art dialogs: a controlled intervention study. Aging & Mental Health Issue 2002, 6(1), 80-85.

Wikström, B-M. Visual art and non-verbal sensitivity: a teaching learning programme in nurse education. Australian Journal of Primary Health 2001,7(3), 26-31.

Wikström, B-M. Works of art dialogues: an educational technique by which students discover personal knowledge of empathy. International Journal of

Nursing Practice 2001, 7, 24-29.

Wikström, B-M. Works of art: a complement to theoretical knowledge when teaching nursing care. Journal of Clinical Nursing  2001, 10, 25-32.

Wikström, B-M. Aging perceived through visual art observations. Geriatric     Nursing 2000, 21(6), 300-303.

Wikström, B-M. The development of observational competence through identification of nursing care patterns in ‘The Sickbed’, a work of art by Lena Cronqvist. Journal of Interprofessional Care  2000, 14(2), 181-188.

Wikström, B-M. Visual art dialogues with elderly persons: effects on perceived life situation. Journal of Nursing Management 2000, 8, 31-37.

Wikström, B-M. Nursing education at an art gallery. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2000, 2, 197-199.

Wikström, B-M. A work of art didactic module for basic health professions education: community-oriented development. Newsletter: Network of Community-Oriented Educational Institutions for Health Sciences, 1998, 28, 27-28.

Hedley, V., Wikström, B-M., Gunnarsson, E., Sjöqvist, K. Individualized activities as a motivating factor in long-term care: Having nurses  discuss potential activities with patients individually may make both feel better about the long-term care environment. Geriatric Nursing 1994 (15), 246-249.

Wikström, B-M. Ekvall, G. Sandström, S. Stimulating the creativity of elderly institutionalized women through works of art. Creativity Research Journal 1994, 7(2), 171-182.

Wikström, B-M. Theorell, T. Sandström, S. Medical health and emotional effects of art stimulation in old age. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 1993, 60, 195-206.

Wikström, B-M. Theorell, T. Sandström, S. Psychophysiological effects of stimulation with pictures of works of art in old age. International Journal of Psychosomatics 1992, 39(4), 68-75.


Wikström B-M. Konstbilden – en resurs i vården. I Goda miljöer och aktiviteter för äldre, redaktör H. Wijk, s. 203-217, 2005.


Wikström B-M. Samtal kring konstbilder utifrån en pedagogisk struktur, en meningsfull väg till stimulans och hälsa I Konsten och själen. Estetik ur ett humanvetenskapligt perspektiv. Redaktör: G. Hermerén Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, serie Nr 61, s. 24-30, 2005.

Wikström B-M. Estetik och omvårdnad. Studentlitteratur 1997, 2:a omarbetade upplagan 2003.

Wikström, B-M. Pleasant guided mental walks via pictures of works of art: A work of art stimulation programme, controlled intervention studies of the effect on psycho medical health in elderly women. Thesis at the National Institute of Psychosocial Factors and Health, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden 1994.
